Monday, August 2, 2010

Color Therapy (Chromotherapy)

Color therapy (also known as chromotherapy) is an exciting new form of healing brought forward from the Atlantean teachings, and is complimentary to such modalities as kinesiology, acupuncture and other natural healing modalities.  Chromotherapy is a therapeutic science which has been used by many races for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used specially built solarium rooms with different colored glasses. The sun would shine through the colored glass onto the patient to achieve specific therapeutic benefits. Others used different colored silk clothes to filter varying shades of light onto their bodies. There is also evidence of others using colored waters and colored gels to achieve the same results.  These days, many natural therapists are using chromotherapy on their patients in interesting ways. They report success in recovery of stroke victims, and in others who have chronic depression. In the United States, chromotherapy is being recognised as a complimentary system to other therapies and treatments.  One interesting announcement made by CNN recently discusses application of blue light to the backs of the knees to adjust the body clock, thus overcoming jet lag, and the problems associated with shift work.  The Earth, our continents, oceans, in fact every living thing depends on light to be able to exist. Recent scientific evidence suggests that light is in fact emitted by every cell in our bodies. We live in a sea of energy where color is working within us. It shines with in our divine self, and radiates upon us from the sun. Research and observation has shown us that specific colors bring balance to our physical and emotional systems. Chromotherapy can easily be used as an alternative to Chinese acupuncture, achieving the same results in unblocking meridians without the discomfort of needles used in acupuncture.

Examine the Auric Healing Color wheel in the picture above from around 30cm up to 5 feet away, gazing into the center of the wheel.  Soon the pattern will begin to move and reflect with your auric colors.  Your auric color(s) may change due to many effects, including healing, negative situations, emotional states, and as we progress on our life path, we may progress through events and develop a new state of being.  Therapists: It is excellent to have your patients stare at this wheel and explain the colors to you before and after a healing ? they will generally notice some differences which you may explain to them as the energies becoming more harmonious.  Let us have a look at some of the colors, and their effects on our bodies:

Green - Regulates the pituitary gland, fights depression, bulimia, and other psychosomatic conditions affecting the gastric system. It is useful in calming the nervous system, fights irritability, insomnia and can be used to assist in recovery from nervous breakdowns.
Blue - Calming. Stimulates the parasympathetic system, reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate. It has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects. Fights both physical and mental tension and is used to assist in relaxation.
Red - Is used to energise and stimulate. Affects the heart by increasing pulse rate, and the muscles by increasing their tension. Influences vitality, and increases body temperature. Can be used to develop excitement and sensuality.
Yellow - Increases neuromuscular tone. Purifies blood, helps digestion, and has a cleansing effect. Strongly stimulates happiness, brings on a sense of security, as well as a strong feeling of well-being.
White - Used for regeneration. Also, provides energy and balances the chronobiological rhythm, by stimulating the production of serotonin, a substance which regulates both sleep and the nervous system. Rebalances the psychophysical and hormonal systems in people who suffer from seasonal depression.


•healing properties
•relationship with each of the chakras
•physical effects
•best and worst applications
•special effects

The chakra system is discussed as well as the human aura. A range of common ailments in the human body are also shown and the associated therapeutic colors indicated.  There is also a color wheel which can be used to reveal certain aspects about your personality. The second color wheel shown on the chart helps in selecting the right color for each of the different seasons.

The color therapy decoder wheel is a handy reference which provides practical information to patients and practitioners alike about color, as well as each of the colors association with the following areas:

•Seasonal Colors
•Healing Properties

Each of the above attributes are conveniently spread across rotating information wheels, which are easy to rotate and to refer to.  As an example, the color personality wheel asks you to study the colors on the wheel for a while until you find your preferred colors. You then turn the wheel to the colors selected to reveal information about your personality. Each of the other 3 color wheels decodes information about the chakras, seasonal colors and healing properties associated with the various colors.  Through rotating each of the wheels, you are able to obtain a color analysis as well as other important color information.

With color therapy glasses you can expose your body to the color frequency needed to bring it back into a balanced state while going about your daily tasks. Simply wear the glasses for 10-30 minutes a day (up to 60 minutes), in the color which corresponds to the results you desire.  Emotions and moods can be affected by the use of color. Each color's vibration is associated with different attributes and qualities. One method of utilizing color to alter your mood or emotion is to wear color therapy glasses, looking at the world through "rose colored glasses," if you will (or green colored or yellow colored of violet colored, etc). The color of the light entering your body is concentrated in one spectrum. The mood or emotions associated with that color are enhanced, causing a shift in that direction.  Wear them inside or outside the house. Be careful - some of the dark colors may make things hard to see.  Except for yellow, they are not designed to be worn while driving since they can affect your perception of images.  Colors shown top to bottom include Magenta, Aqua (turquoise), Indigo, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.  The supposed benefits can be found in the list below:

Magenta -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Balancing of emotions, for both the over and under emotional.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Relaxation, balancing emotions.
Aqua (Turquoise) -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Soothing feeling, purity, calmness.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Loving expressiveness.
Indigo -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Serenity, stillness, understanding, imagination.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Accurate perception, greater intuition and awareness.
Violet -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Creativity, beauty, inspiration.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Selflessness, generosity, enhanced artistic ability.
Blue -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Communication, personal expression, decisiveness.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Clear communication, confidence in speaking, mental relaxation.
Green -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Peace, love, harmony.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Rest, relaxation, calmness, stress reduction.
Yellow -  ASSOCIATED WITH: Cheerfulness, mental clarity, inspiration, stimulating curiosity and interest.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Easing of depression, greater self-esteem, empowerment, confidence.
Orange - ASSOCIATED WITH: Resourcefulness, sociability, happiness, success.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Social confidence, joyfulness, enjoyable relationships, expanded interests and activities.
Red - ASSOCIATED WITH: Vitality, self-confidence, feeling of security and safety, courage, power.  REPORTED BENEFITS: Energy, confidence, settled-ness, feeling of safety and security. May raise your blood pressure and generate body heat. Wear red only for a short time.

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